Remote law office

Representation at Distance

The COVID pandemic changed the way many businesses and government organizations operate. Clients now have more freedom than ever to communicate and appear remotely. While there are some court appearances that may require presence in person, many issues are able to be handled remotely.

Remote Client Meetings and Document Signing

In order to provide clients with the information they need in a comfortable format, our practice offers video or telephone meetings accompanied by visual presentations, specifically tailored to each client’s case, which are emailed to clients in advance. Having visual information to follow and keep after the meeting helps clients retain information from their advisement and refer back to later if necessary.

Simple signing software makes it easy to sign court paperwork with your finger on your smartphone or by choosing a font and typing your name.

Minimal Technology Requirements

Clients can participate in any of these offerings with no more than a smartphone. Of course, tablets and computers are also compatible. No software purchases are required. If you have any questions weare happy to talk you through the process.



The information on this website does not constitute legal advice or form an attorney-client relationship with those reading.  It’s purpose is to provide background and inform the reader of practice areas.  


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